Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Beauty of Nature Indoors

by Patrick Brown

Add natural colors and scents from the outdoors to your interior décor this summer using these three simple ideas as starting points:

1. Show Off Your Harvest
There isn't an easier way to add color to indoor décor than filling a bowl with fresh vegetables or fruit from the garden. It gives you a chance to show off your green thumb, but also has very practical purposes.

If you’ve ever grown garden tomatoes you know how abundant they can be once they start coming in, and storing them in the fridge can ruin their taste and texture before they fully ripen. Keeping that beautiful bounty of fresh red tomatoes on the counter will not only add a wonderful splash of color, but will also help preserve your delicious summer produce.

Another great reason for keeping those garden fresh fruits and veggies on display, besides the natural beauty they add to your décor, is that it encourages everyone in the family to eat a healthy snack.

2. Seasonal Twists
Take a slightly different approach to your floral arrangements by introducing elements from your vegetable garden—a match made in summer heaven. Take some leaves from your favorite tomato plants, cutting them off at the main stem. Leaves from tomato plants have a wonderful deep green hue, which adds a soothing, organic look to any arrangement. Best of all, a tomato plants leaves also offer a wonderful fresh garden scent.

Okra is another favorite from the vegetable garden, and it produces gorgeous white and purple flowers. Let your creativity shine as you allow the different elements of color and smell from your garden to bring a seasonal twist to your interior decor.

3. Show Your Natural Style
Start by deciding which floral color palette will add just the right splash of color for your room. If you have a contemporary décor with clean lines, you might want to use a vase full of uniform-height flowers that are all the same color, such as lilies or tulips. If you have cottage or country style décor, make a statement with one simple daisy in a small vase or a handful of summer wildflowers in a pottery-style jug.

If you have a classic or traditional decorating scheme, you can never deny the beauty of the familiar and elegant rose. Whatever your particular style, be creative and bring the lovely colors from your flower garden into your home for the lively summer months.


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