Monday, May 26, 2008

Why Redecorate? We've Got Some Ideas

If you live alone, you probably don't need to justify redecorating your home to anyone. But if you share a home with someone, you might need to have a good reason to change a space that is working just fine.

We've thought of some of the reasons you might use as an excuse, if you have to have one, to justify changing the paint on the walls, the window treatments, or buying new furniture. Which one works for you?

# Just Because You Want To

I can’t think of a better reason to redecorate a room or a home. Having a fresh look to your home can be a real spirit lifter and can help you feel new. Not everyone can do it “just because,” but just about everyone can do little things, one at a time. Before you know it, you’ll have a new space for no reason at all besides the fact that you want to.

# You Just Moved Into a New House

Why would you want to live in a home that someone else has decorated for their life? I sure wouldn’t. Each time I’ve moved into a new home, the first thing I want to do is make it mine. And I do that by painting or wallpapering the walls and making new draperies or curtains to match the furniture or bedding that I’ve brought with me.

# You’re Getting Ready to Move Out

Many people put off decorating their home until it comes time to sell. Then they realize that they really have to do something about the dingy paint and carpet before they can sell it. While a total makeover may not be necessary, moving time is a great time to dress up a home that’s been neglected. The house will sell faster and you’ll get a better price for it if things are updated and fresh.

# Your Kids Have Moved Out

It’s sometimes called the “empty nest syndrome.” The kids have moved out. You don’t need indestructible furniture or industrial-grade flooring any more. Have you always wanted white carpet? Do you want a canopy bed but thought the kids would make fun of you? How about a Jacuzzi tub in the bedroom? Or are you ready to give up the extra bedroom to make room for a walk-in closet just for you? Here’s your chance!

# You Can’t Stand Your Childhood Room and Need to Help it Grow Up

Lots of young people move back in with Mom and Dad after graduation from college—not because they want to or because Mom and Dad want them to. It’s just an economic fact that having your own place is beyond the financial reality for many young people. But that doesn’t mean that just because you can’t have your own place you can’t make your space reflect the new adult you. Get rid of the high school sports trophies, the cheerleader pompoms, the collection of teddy bears or collection of model cars. Decorating this space for the more mature person you are. It can help you move from childhood to adulthood without ever leaving home.

Article by: Coral Nafie


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